Producer of Business Success and Customer Delight
Product and Solutions Executive
Registered Professional Engineer | Creative | Writer | Photographer
Let’s Do Something Great together!

Who is Jonathan?
I am a highly accomplished and forward-thinking solutions management executive. I bring to your team a breadth of both domestic and international experience in the management of products, operations, projects, P&L goals, process improvement, supply chain management, marketing, strategic planning, and M&A due-diligence support.
My success begins with a commitment to servant leadership, built on a proven aptitude for leading diverse professional teams in developing strategy, executing initiatives, collaborating for success, and growing solutions expertise. I increase employee engagement, customer satisfaction, business success, and profitability across a variety of cultures and geographic regions.
“I have always found Jonathan professional and knowledgeable with a positive outlook to problem solving, He puts the customer first and has a great Team spirit, contributing in all aspects of his role.”
— Ian Edwards, Managing Director, IETG and 40 Seven Ltd

“No man is an island entire of itself.”
John Donne (1624)
Or as I like to say it:
“Success is a team sport.”
Success comes in many forms, but nothing is achieved in a vacuum. To this end, I use key traits in my work including:
- My ability to leverage exemplary organizational, technical, and communication skills to lift his teams to success.
- My energy for identifying innovative and sustainable solutions to delight customers.
- And my commitment to aligning these hard and soft skills with commercial goals supporting business success and leadership.
“As a leader, Jonathan is genuine and respectful resulting in his ability to engender trust and build effective teams and teamwork. His leadership strength comes from recognizing and encouraging each team member’s abilities and fostering an environment for team members to continue to grow.”
Jay Boyd, Market Development Director at ADS Environmental Services

Writing, to me, is both productive and therapeutic. Writing allows for deep thinking, strategizing, structural planning, personal evaluation, and mental exercise.
While I have been writing/blogging since the early 2000s, my most recent writing is presented on I would love to engage with you there.

I love photography. Digital photography is my hobby. Film photography is my passion.
Everyone needs a side passion project, and capturing the tension and interaction between environment and man is mine.
I believe that passion comes from the artist inside all of us. Technology, pragmatism, and process are important, but I believe they also suppress our inner artist.
So, indulge me a bit as I seek to satisfy my passion. Please feel free to check out my work.