We took Sarah to see March of the Penguins last night. What an enjoyable film! It has garnered rave reviews, and is well worth the $9.50 per adult to see it. (can you believe the cost of movies these days?). The official site is linked below.
March of the Penguins Warner Independent Pictures — Official Site.
What I found interesting though, was that this film was the exact same type of film I would have expected to watch growing up. National Geographic Specials used to be weekend traditions to me, and this was not much more than that. So why all the rave reviews? I think it has a lot to do with the junk that is on TV nowadays. What was the Bruce Springstein song? “57 Channels and Nothings On”. And that’s the truth.
I hope the Penguins are as successful as any “Sorrywood” film, and maybe the film Bigwigs would understand finally that the majority of us folks want to see uplifting, educational and entertaining movies…not the standard dribble.
Go see it and have a good time!