Clara is starting to walk! Fun Films!

Clara is starting to walk! Fun Films!

jonathan.hasson September 5, 2005

Mvi_0399Clara is starting to get around quite well.  She is walking about 80 percent of the time, and is loving it!  Even the bumps and bruises don’t deter her.  I’ve posted a couple of “films” below.  The first is of Clara “walking” behind her little roller/walker.  The second film is after we take the walker away.  She is a little wobbly…trying to get her “sea legs”, but doing a great job!  She’s getting better daily.

Click on the links below – they are both large – and they should open up and play in your default movie/film viewer on your computer.

No. 1 – Clara and her walker….

Download MVI_0399.AVI

No. 2 – Clara on her own…

Download MVI_0401.AVI
