I don’t want to be a “chicken little”, but this is an issue that we need to start taking very seriously. From the article:
In a remarkable speech over the weekend, Secretary of Health and
Human Services Michael Leavitt recommended that Americans start storing
canned tuna and powdered milk under their beds as the prospect of a
deadly bird flu outbreak approaches the United States.Ready or not, here it comes.
It is being spread much faster than first predicted from one wild flock
of birds to another, an airborne delivery system that no government can
The latest California Health Department estimates say that CA could have up to 30 percent of all citizens infected if the Avian Flu virus mutates to an easily transmittable form. That could shut down daily activities of offices, schools and other businesses for up to 12 weeks. Scary stuff.
Okay Honey, let’s add this to the “preparedness” list along with earthquakes.
Link: ABC News: Ready or Not, Bird Flu Is Coming to America.