The Evolution of Dance – Funny Video
Your fun diversion of the day: This is a very funny 6 minute video of Judson Laipply dancing through 4 decades of music. If the embedded video below doesn't work,…
Read moreYour fun diversion of the day: This is a very funny 6 minute video of Judson Laipply dancing through 4 decades of music. If the embedded video below doesn't work,…
Read moreI'm always looking for great photo sites. Just found Randall Levensaler Photography tonight (hat tip to Shuttertalk.com for the link). Photographers such as Randall have a knack of photographing a…
Read moreFrom Townhall.com, just to let all of our non-California friends and family know what we battle against out here. Freakin' libs...stop messing with my kids!
Read moreThis is pretty cool, if not a little depressing for us California folks. Check out the National Gas Temperature Map. It provides the average price per gallon of gas for…
Read moreGo Tony, go Tony.Snow issues detailed rebuttals to media coverage of the president - Examiner.com White House sources said Snow, who started on the job Monday and has yet to…
Read moreFinally...FINALLY! Some sense in Washington. I was about to give up hope for the Republican Congress to pass this. Now, just make it permanent!
Read moreI've seen good reviews about this movie. Given Mark Cuban's praise, it must be good. He hardly ever praises media ventures. Before sinking a small fortune into a movie night…
Read moreFunny stuff! My favorite is below. Click on the photo for a larger image: Check out the link for more: shiny happy HEAD :: we'll never understand each OTHER ::.…
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