It Wasn’t a Business, but He Left Me Plenty

It Wasn’t a Business, but He Left Me Plenty

jonathan.hasson June 13, 2006

Ben Stein is a funny and smart guy.  As referred from Sound Mind Investing:

In this article from last weekend’s New York Times, Mr. Stein masterfully weaves a tribute to his father, himself a master economist, in economic terms. It’s a touching piece on fathers and what they leave to their children. Highly recommended as we move towards Fathers Day this Sunday!

It is a great read, and is very thought provoking about the legacy that our parents leave to us.  Here is the link, and a quote from the article.

It Wasn’t a Business, but He Left Me Plenty – New York Times

Here is what my father gave me: every time I had a childhood chore to do and complained about it — raking leaves, cleaning the carpets, waxing the floors — my Pop would say, “We’ll do it together and it’ll take half the time.” That’s a gift. So was the sight of him sitting out on the deck overlooking Sligo Creek Park behind our house in Silver Spring, Md., smoking, drinking a Pabst Blue Ribbon, listening to the Senators play ball and realizing that a man was entitled to rest after a day’s hard work. There was also his endless gift of gratitude for waking up every morning in America. And the astounding lifetime gift of telling me that no matter what Mr. Nixon or his chief of staff, H. R. Haldeman, wanted him to do, he would make it plain that helping out “his one and only son” always came first.

Nicely done, Mr. Stein.


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