Good grief. How misguided. When I read her quote:
Asked how she reconciled her position on homosexuality with specific passages in the Bible declaring sexual relations between men an abomination, Jefferts Schori said the Bible was written in a very different historical context by people asking different questions.
“The Bible has a great deal to teach us about how to live as human beings. The Bible does not have so much to teach us about what sorts of food to eat, what sorts of clothes to wear — there are rules in the Bible about those that we don’t observe today,” she said.
I can’t help but wonder what other sins listed in 1 Corinthians 6:9 (fornication, idolaters, adulterers, sodomites) and 1 Timothy 1:10 (again, fornicators and sodomites, or kidnappers, or liars, or perjurers or anything contrary to sound doctrine), or the specific commands of Leviticus 18:22 and Leviticus 20:13 she thinks have changed in “historical context”.
Here’s the link: New US church leader says homosexuality no sin |
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