MTV, still clueless after all these years

MTV, still clueless after all these years

jonathan.hasson August 7, 2006

Wow!  What a damning article on the “MTV culture” in the black community!  Stanley Crouch, co-founder of Jazz at Lincoln Center and New York Daily News columnist – and, oh by the way, a black man – has authored a ripping column concerning MTV’s dehumanization of the black man and woman.  Here’s the link:  New York Daily News – Home – Stanley Crouch: MTV, still clueless after all these years

…MTV, which also came to project the most dehumanizing images of black people since the dawn of minstrelsy in the 19th century. Pimps, whores, potheads, dope dealers, gangbangers, the crudest materialism and anarchic gang violence were broadcast around the world as “real” black culture.

Wow! Way to go Mr. Crouch.  It’s stupid shows like those referenced in his column that have driven me away from MTV.  Unfortunately, the alternatives (, etc.) are not much better.  MTV revolutionized television.  Now, it has driven it down a road of moral decay.


UPDATE:  Study:  Raunchy Lyrics Prompt Teens to Have Sex

Well, here’s a timely follow-up article.  Saw this one on The Drudge Report this morning.  Here’s the lead in paragraph to the article:

Teens whose iPods are full of music with raunchy, sexual lyrics start
having sex sooner than those who prefer other songs, a study found.

Go ahead, read the article.  It’s frightening!  Thanks MTV!  Thanks a lot!

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