The lengths that retailers go to for your money! USA Today: Just browsing at the mall? That’s what you think!

The lengths that retailers go to for your money! USA Today: Just browsing at the mall? That’s what you think!

jonathan.hasson September 1, 2006 has a very good article on all the ways stores try to get your money.  It’s a very interesting read.  Here’s the link: – Just browsing at the mall? That’s what you think

As you step in the door of a retail store — whether it sells Gucci handbags, jeans for teens or hardware — you’re being lured to shop and spend in ways so subtle you probably don’t know what’s happening to you. Or your wallet.

Some stores have this down better than others.  The experience at stores like, Nordstrom, The Sharper Image, Best Buy, etc. all make me want to buy, buy, BUY!

Hat tip to Sound Mind Investing for pointing me to this article.


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