Coeur d’Alene, Idaho is located about 40 miles east of Spokane, Washington up in the panhandle of Idaho. Coeur d’Alene Lake is a natural lake situated among the foothills of the Bitterroot Range of the Rocky Mountains. The photo above is looking south down the lake from the Coeur d’Alene Resort where I was fortunate enough to have stayed during my conference.
I attended the Pacific Northwest Clean Water Association Annual Conference. It is held each year in October, and rotates between Idaho, Washington and Oregon locations. Last year it was in Seaside, OR and next year it will be in Vancouver, WA (outside of Portland, OR). This was more of a sales and marketing trip, even though many of my clients in the NW were in attendance.
I’ve posted photos from the trip over at our Smugmug site. You can visit the gallery here, or you can click here for a slide show of the photos.
The photo above is one of my favorites, as are a couple that I’ve included below.

Enjoy, and let me know what you think about the photos!
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When I read that you were at a Clean Water Conference I thought of this show that I breezed by last night http://www.pbs.org/moyers/moyersonamerica/green/documents.html. I cant say that I really like Moyers and I really dont know if I agree with these people, but I thought you might enjoy taking a look at it. You can watch the episode online.
Thanks for the link John. I’ll have to check it out when I can get a chance. There are few things that Bill Moyers says that I agree with, but this Evangelical Evangelism debate is a good one to have. There are some good blogs out there having this discussion: Evangelical Outpost and Jolly Blogger are two.
Being in the environmental field, I also have some internal conflicts when I try to deal with those in my industry that deify the environment rather than look at it from a stewardship standpoint. I see myself as a steward, and thus, are responsible for taking care of that entrusted to me. So, my choices are made from that standpoint. Safe drinking water and sanitary waste disposal are two basic needs of society, and that’s where I focus my efforts.
Global warming? I think God has a greater plan than what man can ever accomplish.
Thanks again, and thanks for commenting! Jonathan