Very Cool Workplaces

Very Cool Workplaces

jonathan.hasson October 14, 2006

This post is for those folks that I know appreciate good design (Mardi, John, Andrew and others that occasionally read this blog).  Take a look at these “10 Seeeeeriously Cool Workplaces”.  Now that’s great design.  The Pixar Studios workplace is just fun, the vintage house trailer conversion is one of those, “yeah, I could do that” places, and the VW Phaeton plant is just about the most interesting industrial designs I’ve ever seen.  Here’s just a little taste:

The VW Phaeton Plant
Enjoy.  Jonathan

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One thought on “Very Cool Workplaces

  1. I have been fortunate enough to work at some cool places myself. I worked for an architect firm in Midtown Atlanta that had some really great interior spaces. I wish more companies paid attention to interior spaces as it can defiantly boost morale and productivity!

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