Well, the libs in Sacramento are back, and they have come out swinging! It seems that every year, the same bills keep getting re-introduced in a strategy to “wear down” the conservative and family values voters in CA. You can read the latest here, or see a summary below:
HOW YOU AND CCF ARE FIGHTING BACKDec. 5, 2006 Update from CCF President Randy Thomasson: There were 45 newly-elected legislators (out of 120 total) sworn into office Monday at California’s State Capitol. During this self-described “family day” with legislators’ children and parents present, anti-family schemes were hatched in the Democrat-dominated state Assembly and state Senate.
In the state Assembly, the homosexual “marriage” license bill was reintroduced to REPEAL the people’s vote protecting marriage as an institution between a man and a woman. This “gay marriage” bill violates the California Constitution, which specifically prohibits the Legislature from repealing voter-approved initiative statutes, such as Proposition 22, the Protection of Marriage Initiative, in 2000.
Learn more here.In the state Senate, a bill was introduced to award 100% of California’s marriage rights to any two persons — basically, any two people shacking-up will be awarded every right of marriage without ever having to be married. As the bill’s author says, it will give “boyfriend, girlfriend, committed partnership, living together unmarried” EVERYTHING that a married husband and wife have under the law. Marriage will be functionally abolished with absolutely no marriage distinctives remaining!
The homosexual “marriage” license bill is from San Francisco Assemblyman Mark Leno, while the “virtual marriage” bill is from Senator Carole Migden, also from San Francisco. Neither of the bills have numbers yet. But of this you can be sure — the battle to destroy God’s sacred institution of marriage has been quickly and furiously launched.
The audacity and outright arrogance of the left in Sacramento continues to astound me. The State Assembly bill seeks to repeal the will of the people of CA. This truly is an issue of the “enlightened left” feeling justified to ramrod their agenda down the throats of all the others they consider “ignorant” and “unenlightened”. It’s truly a case of the will of the people versus the arrogance of the few.
The State Senate bill is so outrageous, it’s hard not to laugh at it! But it’s audacity is scary! Any two people living together will get marriage rights? How about a brother and sister that live together? How about a single mother and child?
I’m calling our legislators, and I urge you to do the same! Here is a link to find out all the contact information.
I have to thank our friend John K. from Georgia for alerting us to this. He found out about it before we did. This really demonstrates the news vacuum that exists in CA concerning these legislative issues. The Libs in Sacramento really work hard to keep news from there from reaching the average Californian. They then can make laws at will without concern of public “interruption”. Groups like CCF really do provide a great service in keeping us informed.
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