Brush with Fame #4

Brush with Fame #4

jonathan.hasson February 8, 2007

I’m in Honolulu this week for the Hawaii Water Environment Association Annual Conference.  Not a bad place to have to travel to on business, huh?

Well, this weekend is the NFL Pro Bowl and there are many people here to attend the game.  One of them is Joe Theismann.  And, therein lies my latest “Brush with fame”. 

On my flight Tuesday, I sat next to Joe Theismann’s wife.  It was a little strange since she was sitting back in steerage with folks like me and Joe was sitting up in first.  Well, during the flight Joe came by to check on his wife, and I was able to meet him.  Nice couple.

The other three brushes with fame you ask?

1.  Lee Trevino – Atlanta airport
2.  Hale Irwin – Sr. PGA tournament in Dorado, Puerto Rico
3.  Kobe Bryant and wife in Newport Beach, CA

Not necessarily the “A” list, but fun nonetheless.

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