The value of being connected

The value of being connected

jonathan.hasson October 2, 2007

  1. Cheap cell phone for one or two uses?  $20 
  2. 80 minutes of talk time?  $0 (it’s included)
  3. Knowing that we can stay connected with Sarah for the entire length of her solo return flight from Mississippi next week?  Priceless!

Yes, we’re taking the plunge and letting Sarah fly back by herself from Mississippi to California.  That’s a big leap for a 9 year old!

She’s quite comfortable with the whole idea.  She’s been flying since she was 3 months old, so she’s an “old hat” at it.

I can’t believe the deal we got on this cell phone.  Using the “pay as you go” plan with AT&T GoPhone service, we get a fully functional (and highly rated) Motorola cell phone with $10 of credit for talk time.  That equates to about 80 minutes after the connection fee is applied.  $20 is nothing compared to the peace of mind we’ll have knowing we can stay connected with Sarah.

Very cool.

AT&T GoPhone – Motorola c168i Pay-As-You-Go Cell Phone – Lustrous Silver – C168i