Oh, this is classic!
CBS Seeking ‘Irreverent,’ ‘Hip’ Journalist for Eco-Beat (No Knowledge Required)
To all of my friends and family that still regard the “dinosaur media” is high regard, let this be a lesson to you! CBS, and its cohorts, don’t care about respectful, insightful, truthful, knowledgeable journalism, they want their journalists to be “wicked smart, funny, irreverent and hip, oozing enthusiasm and creative energy.”
From the article:
So you would think such a job would require a science background or years of covering environmental news? Not exactly.
“You are wicked smart, funny, irreverent and hip, oozing enthusiasm and creative energy,” the ad reads. “This position requires strong people, reporting, story telling and writing skills. Managing tight deadlines should be second nature. Knowledge of the enviro beat is a big plus, but not a requirement.”
Ironically, the ad shows irreverence to what kind of carbon footprint the job duties might require. The ad includes: “Be prepared to see America. Heavy domestic travel.”
Amazing. This is what our “go go” society of “talking head” journalism is coming to. Long live the blogs and talk radio!
(HT: Drudge Report for the link)