Today’s suburbs, tomorrow’s slums?

Today’s suburbs, tomorrow’s slums?

jonathan.hasson July 2, 2008

Could rising oil and gas prices reverse the urban flight we’ve been seeing over the past 60 years?  Some think so.

Some warn the cost of gasoline will make the most sprawling U.S. suburbs so unattractive that housing values there will collapse, forcing many people to abandon their homes for urban areas better served by public transit and leaving only squatters, criminals and those who can’t afford to leave the outskirts.

My opinion is that since the majority of the USA’s growth is driven by small businesses, most suburban folks can find work nearer to their home if needed.  Notice I said “if needed”.  Most folks don’t yet see the need and choose to drive 2 hours round trip to work, paying exorbitant gasoline prices, to support their chosen lifestyle.

What do you think? Today’s suburbs, tomorrow’s slums?

Other links:  Rising oil prices may end suburban way of life – Finding Tags: , ,