Stay Tuned for Our Next Blogging Experience

Stay Tuned for Our Next Blogging Experience

jonathan.hasson July 28, 2009

Yes, I know dear friends and family.  Our blogging has been, shall we say, a little lacking lately!  December 2008 was the last post.  That’s pretty pitiful if you ask me.  I could make all kinds of excuses…the move really rocked our “spare time”, work has been nuts, been tied up on FaceBook, etc.  In fact, there is a good bit of truth to all of these.  But, when you really get down to it, I’ve just been lazy updating the blog.  My apologies.

As you all know, we’ve moved from California to Maryland.  So, the “California Dreamin'” blog likely is going to be retired soon.  In it’s place I hope to have a new blog, “A Blueprint in the Chaos” (or some other cool sounding name, HA!) ready to take its place.  In “Blueprint”, I hope to delve into my own internal tug-of-war between logic, business, technology, art, culture and religion, and how all of these are under the overwhelming influence of God’s blueprint in my life.  Yeah, light stuff, I know.  However, this is where my mind is right now.  How to balance these in a world that demands so much attention in the “right now!” mode.

I also hope to focus more on my photography, sharing some of my favorite moments from our family’s travels and travails.  To share a few teasers, here are a few of my favorites from our trip to Mexico last year.   

So, stay tuned folks.  I hope to have the new site up and running soon.


2 thoughts on “Stay Tuned for Our Next Blogging Experience

  1. Yeah, I know. Like I said earlier, it’s a bit shameful. I’m working on the design of the blog right now and hope to have content up soon. Thanks for the “loyalty” Andrew!

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