The time for me to start my new blog is now! No more putting it off. No more tweaking of the blog design. The time has come for me to bite the bullet and jump headfirst into this new journey.
This will be a new venture for me personally. “California Dreamin’ with the Hassons” has been a great exercise for our family. It has kept us on our toes (well, not in the last year! Sorry about that!) to keep you, our friends and family, up to date on our travels, travails, tragedies and triumphs. However, as I ventured more into the blogging experience, I realized that the Dreamin’ blog was morphing into more of a “Jonathan” blog rather than a “Hasson Family” blog. This was not the intention of the Dreamin’ blog, thus was born my idea for a blog of my own to live alongside the family’s.
My new blog will be a journey for me. I’ll be delving into my passions of photography, art, and music. I’ll hit on my interests in culture, design and politics. It will really be an exercise for me to dig into and express what goes on in the semi-controlled chaos of my mind.
Don’t worry, the Hasson Family Dreamin’ site is staying put. We may need to rename it though (I think the girls would disagree…they’re still California Dreamin’!”) and I’ll definitely look at a redesign. But, it does serve a good purpose for the family.
So, without further delay, I welcome you all to my new blog “A Blueprint in the Chaos”. Click on this previous link or on the screen shot of the new blog below to join the conversation. If you’d like to bookmark it, the new blog URL is
Thanks again! I hope you all enjoy this just as much as I hope to. I also hope you will hit the Subscribe button at the top of new blog. That way, you’ll be sure to receive either RSS or email notifications when the blog is updated. To make it easy, you also can just enter your email below and you’ll be signed up for the new blog email notifications. Thanks!