From an early age, I loved art. Drawing, tracing, dreaming up new and strange creatures and designs – they all inspired me. Then, I stumbled into photography on a church youth trip to Ridgecrest, NC where, using an early ‘70s Canon EF SLR film camera with a 50 mm f/1.4 prime lens all borrowed from my brother, I actually made some really interesting photos. All by accident, of course! I had the shutter speed dialed in to the bulb setting for the entire trip so my photos were either wildly blurry or, when I held the camera stable enough and had fast enough fingers to open and close the shutter quickly, they had wonderful full color and just enough of blur to create a sense of mystery and softness. Yes, all by accident. But, this experience has remained with me for the last 25 years as a wonderful accident.
I also had a fun and impactful run in the Clinton High School Attaché Show Choir. Yes, me, singing and dancing my way to zero stardom! Still, the impact on my enjoyment of good music was long lasting.
Then, I realized that I was really good at science and math. Thus began my transition from a life full of creativity, art and music to one filled with logic, reason and formulas. Life took a different turn as I pursued my engineering education and career. Very much a turn that, in retrospect, took my life in a direction that has been both fulfilling and rewarding, but also lacking. Thus, my attempt in this blog to delve deeper into my inner creative side while, at the same time, celebrating the technical and logical side of life.
Engineering was the logical route for my career. The only problem with this was that my experience in engineering school beat the creativity out of me (figuratively, of course). Logic and reason were all important. Formula and the scientific method were my guiding principles. There was no place for creativity, art or expression. Of course, this serves me well in my engineering and scientific career but my artistic and creative side was suppressed.
My marriage to Mardi definitely was a God thing! Not only is she wonderfully made to be my soul mate, but she has a creative side that was a perfect counter to my logical side. Mardi is an Interior Designer (not an Interior Decorator – DO NOT make that mistake with her! Ha!) and her creative flair was nurtured in college. Marrying a creative soul was one of the best things to happen to me! I was able to tag along to her design firm’s presentations and parties, enjoy the presentations on why creativity and design were important in their work, hang out with other creative folks and just soak in the artistic juices. By the way, her “brush with fame” was working with Vern Yip of HGTV fame at the same firm in Atlanta for a few years.
With Mardi’s encouragement and support, I’ve been able to rediscover some of my creative side. I mostly work with photography now, and it is a work in progress. I’m learning as I go and finding the time to really focus on this has become my big challenge. I don’t seem to have the patience anymore with drawing and painting. I really am disappointed in this, but I think the drive for immediate results and the “now” attitude in today’s workplace has influenced me in this. I hope that this will change as I learn and mature with age.
So this brings me to today. I love photography, music and good design. Why? Because it takes work and talent to do them well. They can’t be reduced to a series of numbers or formulas. They’re subjective yet follow many established rules. They initiate visceral responses of the mind and body. They have the amazing ability to delve deep into our grey matter and find memories of experiences in times gone by, both happy and sad, that make us who we are. Ever hear a song and you are instantly transported to a childhood memory? Yeah, me too. I’ve got this song from Jefferson Airplane that, no matter where or when I hear it, I instantly think about riding in my parents’ Ford Country Squire station wagon – you know, the one with the simulated wood paneling. I don’t even remember the song’s name, just the tune instantly transports me. So does any song by Maxi Priest
– they’re all pretty sexy – but I’ll just have to leave that one silent on the memory to which it transports me. Ahem. I digress.