Once again, redemption for us letting our girls get dirty, wet and outright filthy when they are out playing. We have some friends that almost are fanatical about cleanliness. Yeah, I understand the importance of good personal hygiene…washing hands, brushing teeth, baths on a regular basis…all are good habits to get into. But really, fanatical cleanliness? What’s the purpose other than to make the parents feel good about being the “good parent”.
Hey friends, stop being so worried about mud, dirt and hand sanitizer! Let your kids play and get dirty. Let them get filthy dirty! They’ll be healthier adults from it.
As adults, we play in the garden, where we get dirty! And we enjoy it soooooo much! We call it going green, helping the ecoonomy, relieving stress…………. So, maybe children getting dirty has these same effects on them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love, Mom