The Morning After the Storm, Parkton, MD – Jonathan Hasson 2009
Is that a good “catch all” for the season? I almost have to get the greetings in all at once if I’m going to be able to do it at all. It seems as if time is just screaming by at light speed and I’m just hanging on for dear life to keep up. “Things” have taken over my mind and pushed the blog to the rear burner, unfortunately.
With all the down time one tends to have during the holidays, you’d think it would be an opportune time to catch up on so many of the pending photography tasks and writing ideas that have been stacking up. I had hoped to apply some of my time to adding some good things to this blog. But, alas, I’ve not been able to do much of any of it. Could it be the new Wii or Guitar Hero World Tour
we’ve been playing so much since Christmas? Possibly…it’s pretty addicting and time consuming. But even before then, the opportunity seemed to be leaving us behind.
Christmas usually is a time to slow down and contemplate all that we have been blessed with over the course of the last year. While we’ve been able to contemplate, the slowing down part has been successfully staying out of reach.
So, now sitting in my In-law’s home in Mississippi, I’m able to take some time to get back to you, dear reader, and, belatedly wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Mardi and I wish you all good health, good life and good blessings for 2010. If 2009 is any indication, it’s going to be yet another year of major changes, challenges and opportunities.
Merry Christmas!