Uninspired but, then again, inspired

Uninspired but, then again, inspired

jonathan.hasson January 4, 2010

I was so uninspired entering this Christmas and New Years holiday.  Even now, I feel like I’m slogging through thick mud in my mind trying to take what’s running around up in the “attic” down onto paper to express myself.  I could attribute it to the totally screwed up diurnal clock in my mind…way too much (or too little?) sleeping over the holidays?  Some of it likely is due the continual distraction of trying to work during the holiday activities.  Ending a fiscal year during the holidays is all messed up.  Anyway, every time I’d sit down to issue a blog post, I would succumb to the overwhelming desire to just quit and do nothing.  I felt disconnected, distant…uninspired.

Until I made myself notice the joy of getting together with family.  The joy of banal conversation about nothing; of cheering together, and against each other, for college bowl games; of group dinners and conversations – these are the things of which good memories are made.  Even more so is the joy of seeing the interaction of four generations of Mardi’s family.  From 5 to 94, the fun and beauty of seeing great grandparents doting over the grandkids and great grandkids was great.

So, thank you Wilson family for giving a quick jump start to my creative energies.  Thank you for giving me a reason to grab my camera and start capturing your holiday joy!

A good laugh – Jonathan Hasson 2009 – more in gallery here.