Cool Finds – 2010 Pentagram Wall Calendar

Cool Finds – 2010 Pentagram Wall Calendar

jonathan.hasson January 5, 2010

Is it just me, or do you also find that wall calendars really are quite poorly executed?  How many poorly taken photos of beaches, buildings, cars or, heaven forbid, fluffy kitties, do we have to endure?  Most calendars are good representations of the rapid, mass market production demand that they are meant to meet.  Think about it, stores must sell 95% of their calendars in about 3 months time from November to January each year. Coming up with new offerings each year to fill the 50 foot long display units at Barnes & Noble drives the product quality backwards from the long tail to the short tail of mass marketed mediocrity.

Except for a few.  I just purchased the 2010 Pentagram Wall Calendar from Pentagram Design.  It’s a celebration of great typography design and is, as the supplier Veer calls it, “the typophile’s pinup calendar”.  I’ll give you a review once it comes in, but I sure am pleased to find it.

The 2010 Pentagram Wall Calendar

I was considering the classic 2010 Stendig Calendar “designed in 1966 and is a classic.  It graces the walls of architects and designers the world over…”  Heck, there even are social communities built up around their love of the Stendig.  It was just a little too big for what I need.  I may get it anyway! 🙂

The 2010 Stendig Calendar
Here are a few more calendar options if you are so inclined to buck the norm and go for something with more design thought included in it than all those mass marketed on the B&N shelves, combined!  Enjoy.