“Photography is not just a profession. It goes much, much deeper than that…I was consumed with a desire to be an eyewitness…Now, as a professional eyewitness to the world, I try to show a side of life that people may not have seen before. My creed is to do so with objectivity, credibility, compassion, and honesty. I’m passionate about photojournalism and the power of the enduring still image to inform and bring understanding to issues. In this fast paced world, where the emphasis is on immediacy, a still photography stops time.”
“At its best, documentary photojournalism offers to the world a glimpse of life’s deeper meanings.”
– Renee Byer
Photography, to me, is to be an observer of life…all caught in a fraction of a second.
The linked video was captured at the TEDxTokyo conference in 2009. This is a very moving presentation that exemplifies the title: photography can tell a story, and a compelling one at that. Regardless of political and social ideologies, one cannot argue that photography, and photojournalism specifically, are not compelling forces to sway the mind, break the heart or move the spirit.
Link to Garr Reynolds’ blog that introduces the video.