I like nice shoes, but I don’t obsess over them. Ask my daughter. She can’t stand some of my more “mature” shoes. “Their disgusting,” she says. Disgusting is a popular word nowadays in Middle School apparently.
I’ve always been interested in the Zappos story. Mail order shoes? How in the world can one possibly get a good fit ordering online? Especially with my feet? I have long, fairly narrow feet and I’m an over-pronator. For the uninformed, that’s not a good thing to be. I’ve not purchased from them before but, after reading this article about Zappos founder Tony Hsieh (pronounced “shay”), I have to try them out.
I’m also going to get Hsieh’s book Delivering Happiness: A Path to Profits, Passion, and Purpose (FYI – this includes my Amazon Associates link). The premise that customer satisfaction, or happiness, and employee satisfaction leads to investor satisfaction intrigues me. Makes sense, but is it really an achievable goal or is it tech-bubble idealism? We’ll see.
I’ll try to provide a summary and review once done with the book.
So, anyone out there have any experience with Zappos? Are you a believer?