From the blog of Brad Ruggles:
I’ve said it before, as a Dad to two girls I’m scared to death to raise my daughters in today’s culture, especially when I think about what waits for them when they grow up.
I grew up in the 80s, which weren’t perfect of course but still tame by comparison to today’s entertainment scene. MTV had just come on the scene and featured lots of big hair and cheesy music videos. Artists like Michael Jackson or Madonna pushed the envelope and caught flack for their “edginess.”
Today is a different story though. It seems every time I pull up a news page one artist or another is making headlines for setting the bar lower still with some racy music video or concert publicity stunt.
Lady Gaga, no stranger to controversy, released her latest music video on Tuesday for her song ‘Alejandro.’ It features Gaga dressed in a latex nun’s habit, sucking on rosary beads and at the center of a gay orgy dressed in a crucifix-emblazoned robe with a cross over her crotch.
What a waste of talent! Now, I don't like Lady Gaga, but I cannot deny that she is a very talented artist. But is this the best our culture has to offer? Where are the cutting edge Christian artists? Certainly not on "family friendly radio". (hat tip to Adri over at The Contemplative Life for another great thought on this subject.)
Where are the artists that realize the Judeo-Christian worldview is not something to be railed against, but something to be celebrated and explored?
Until we take back our culture, latex nun habits, celebrated gay orgies and sex-centered "entertainment" will continue to be accepted as mainstream, high culture, entertainment. It's a very sad state.