Saving jsangl on 24 Sep 2010 07:19 am 80% OFF Using Promo Code “Autumn”
Those who have attended a Financial Learning Experience or who read this blog regularly know that I love using gift certificates as a way to maximize my cash envelope money for Dining Out!
Through Sunday, is offering 80% Off of their gift certificates PLUS purchasers will also receive an additional $10 gift certificate! Just search for your favorite restaurants HERE, and then grab a gift certificate – receive the discount by using the Promo Code: AUTUMN
As a matter of fact, I will be using a gift certificate today at one of my most favorite restaurants – Sullivan’s Metropolitan Grill!
Just so you can see how the math works out:
$35 meal
– $25 gift certificate
$2 cost of gift certificate
$12 tip!!! For a $35 meal!!!
Go now and get this discount! Be sure to use the discount code “Autumn” when you check out.
I’m usually not one to look at these discounts, but the 80% off deal seemed too good to be true. Well, I checked it out and this is legit.
I just bought $400 worth of gift cards for $32! Yes, only $32!
“Right, Jonathan” you may be saying, “and you can only use them at McDonald’s and Dunkin Donuts.” Well, you may be able to use them there, but also at major local restaurants. For instance for you North Baltimore County folks, these can be used at Greystone Grill, Jessie Wong’s and Milton Inn. Sounds like 4 great, and cheap, date nights to me!
Hurry, the 80% off deal ends this Sunday.
Forgive the multiple postings of this. I’m putting this on all my social networking and blog sites. It too good to keep it quiet.