Image via openmarket.org
What corporate CEO made the following statements (all direct quotes):
- “We know where you are. We know where you’ve been. We can more or less know what you’re thinking about.”
- “I don’t believe society understands what happens when everything is available, knowable and recorded by everyone all the time.”
- “It’s true that we see your searches. But we forget them after a while.”
- “There’s such an overwhelming amount of information now, we can search where you are, see what you’re looking at if you take a picture with your camera. One way to think about this is, we’re trying to make people better people, literally give them better ideas—augmenting their experience. Think of it as augmented humanity.”
- “The best thing that would happen is for Facebook to open up its data. Failing that, there are other ways to get that information,”
- “We can suggest what you should do next, what you care about. Imagine: We know where you are, we know what you like,”
Scary stuff, huh? Well, it is happening now every time you click the search button, or upload that photo to Facebook, or look at that site that you really shouldn’t be looking at. Got you thinking yet?
Google is all pervasive in our online lives. These quote all are attributed to Google CEO Eric Schmidt. The full article can be read at the FastCompany website.
Makes me want to use Bing. Just saying.
What do you think? Is Google becoming too pervasive, too big for your comfort?