The Poetics of Pictures – Chris Orwig at TEDx

The Poetics of Pictures – Chris Orwig at TEDx

jonathan.hasson October 27, 2010

“By taking pictures, memories are magnified, forgotten moments are materialized.  Somehow we get more out of life with camera in hand.” – Chris Orwig

“Who we are effects what we see.” – Chris Orwig

Chris Orwig is a professional photographer and teacher that I really enjoy.  His photos are so engaging and mesmerizing.  Recently, Chris spoke at the TEDxAmericanRiviera meeting on the Poetics of Pictures.  Go take a look at the 5 minute film and let me know what you think.

I really enjoy how Chris combines the art of poetry and the art of photography in his work.  His book Visual Poetry: A Creative Guide for Making Engaging Digital Photographs is a fantastic and inspriring read.  i highly recommend Chris and Visual Poetry.