Why Listening to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Still Matters Today

Why Listening to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Still Matters Today

jonathan.hasson January 17, 2011

I hope you are able to enjoy a day off like me today.  But why are we celebrating a holiday?  What did Dr. King really do and say that makes a difference for us today?

Michael Hyatt, the CEO of Thomas Nelson Publishing, has compiled a nice set of links at his Google Buzz account that help make the message of Dr. King real to us today.  Michael’s blog is a very good source of information for today’s leader, and I recommend it highly.


Dr. King provides lessons on Leadership – 8 Leadership Lessons from Martin Luther King, Jr. by Michael Hyatt
Dr. King impacts out definition of culture and family – Our Family Brought to You by MLK by Meg H. Miller
Dr. King’s Theology – The Spiritual Legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr. by Joel J. Miller

Growing up in the deep South, my understanding of Dr. King was, at a minimum, only a partial revelation of his messages and, possibly at a maximum, deliberately misrepresented.  I love my Southern heritage and upbringing.  It made me who I am today, and I like that a lot!  However, our understanding of Dr. King’s real messages seem to be woefully misunderstood.  I hope these will help a little in my understanding.