The Horses of Featherdown

The Horses of Featherdown

jonathan.hasson February 19, 2012

Featherdown Horses 5783

It’s been quite a while since I made any postings here…seems that my life has gotten a bit off track from the blueprint.  It’s astounding how quickly things can build up and steal away a person’s focus (or desired focus).  So, as they say, no better time than the present to get started again.

We recently spent a couple of hours with some friends at Featherdown Farms, a local horse farm and riding school, during one of their competitions.  Unfortunately, none of my photos of the actual competition turned out very well.  I may need a new lens (wink, wink, nudge, nudge Mardi!).  The low light and fast action didn’t make for very good photos without a fast lens.

But, we were able to spend some time back in the stables with a few of the horses and who doesn’t like photos of horses?  A slideshow is below.

Enjoy!  Hope to be back soon with more postings.