Why Listening to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Still Matters Today
I hope you are able to enjoy a day off like me today. But why are we celebrating a holiday? What did Dr. King really do and say that makes…
Read moreI hope you are able to enjoy a day off like me today. But why are we celebrating a holiday? What did Dr. King really do and say that makes…
Read moreImage via openmarket.org What corporate CEO made the following statements (all direct quotes): "We know where you are. We know where you've been. We can more or less know what…
Read more"Photography is not just a profession. It goes much, much deeper than that...I was consumed with a desire to be an eyewitness...Now, as a professional eyewitness to the world, I…
Read moreRant over…had to get it off my chest how frustrated I am at these types of deceptive practices. If you can’t succeed with your product by being honest, then your…
Read moreWith the 2010 Winter Olympics opening ceremony tonight, the eyes of the world will be focused on Vancouver and Whistler, British Columbia for the next couple of weeks. The airtime…
Read morevia ft.com An excellent article from the Financial Times concerning the growing US debt. Even Larry Summers had it right with his question: "How long can the world's biggest borrower…
Read morevia ft.com An excellent article from the Financial Times concerning the growing US debt. Even Larry Summer's had it right with his question: "How long can the world's biggest borrower…
Read morevia www.life.com Moving, shocking, humorous, inspiring...what other words can you come up with for the Life 2009 Pictures of the Year? Published in one form or another since 1883, "Life"…
Read moreWelcome to my new blog experience – “A Blueprint in the Chaos”. As an engineer, I have been trained to follow the blueprint – the plan – that is presented…
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