Humans Crawling With Microbes?! That’s Not All Bad.
As I urgently try to stay well while several family members succumb to the "crud" that's running around out here in SoCal, I run across this article at Wired.com. Even…
Read moreAs I urgently try to stay well while several family members succumb to the "crud" that's running around out here in SoCal, I run across this article at Wired.com. Even…
Read moreIt is sometimes hard with a lot of pressures applied from different directions, but I am pretty focused on two things: the first is making sure I am a good,…
Read moreWow! Not even Les Stroud, the Survivorman, could last longer than 6 nights in the Amazon. I wonder if this kid has been watching his Survivorman and Man vs. Wild…
Read moreFrom Anil Dash's blog: From CNN, a terrifying infographic showing the percentage of the population that's obese, on a state-by-state basis. The data shows the march of the obesity epidemic…
Read moreYour community service bulletin for the day - FDA says food recall is urgent health threat | Health | Reuters
Read moreMichael Hyatt, President and CEO of Thomas Nelson Publishers, "the largest Christian publishing company in the world and the sixth largest trade book publishing company in the world,"…
Read moreCalif. Gov Calls for Universal Coverage.This is our "Republican" governor. I keep telling myself, "he's better than the democratic alternative, he's better than the democratic alternative, he's better..."powered by performancing…
Read moreWOW! What a great article. Please read it here: Crosswalk.com - Albert Mohler's Weblog Here's an attention grabber for you: 13-year-olds present an almost unprecedented array of diverse personalities and…
Read moreThis is very cool. Can you read the following? i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to…
Read moreWhoohoo! My life expectancy is 94 years! I like that! Okay, so maybe what a website says doesn't mean diddly...but, it's fun to check nonetheless. What's yours? Go to the…
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