Merry Christmas Everyone
It's an old photo, but it is still one of my favorites.We hope all of you, our friends and family, have a wonderful Christmas this year. May the peace and…
Read moreIt's an old photo, but it is still one of my favorites.We hope all of you, our friends and family, have a wonderful Christmas this year. May the peace and…
Read moreAnother very interesting posting over at The Evangelical Outpost. The tenuous nature of Shi'a beliefs is interesting to read about.Jonathanpowered by performancing firefox
Read moreOkay, this is hopefully my one and only political posting this season. I am so tired of the political adds, I can't wait for Wednesday morning!Anyway, if you ever had…
Read moreI've been a Beta user of eBible.com for a few months now, and have to say that its search features are quite nice. The "Understand the Bible" section is especially…
Read moreMany on the "left" say that we should engage in "dialog" and try to "understand" why the radical Islamists are attacking us. Well, the boys in Al Qaeda have helped…
Read moreWOW! What a great article. Please read it here: Crosswalk.com - Albert Mohler's Weblog Here's an attention grabber for you: 13-year-olds present an almost unprecedented array of diverse personalities and…
Read moreGood grief. How misguided. When I read her quote:Asked how she reconciled her position on homosexuality with specific passages in the Bible declaring sexual relations between men an abomination, Jefferts…
Read moreOkay, I thought the previous post was weird enough, but this is a little too far. Freakin' Hollywood libs are out of control! The truth hurts, don't it?Narrow focus draws…
Read moreTony Snow looks to be the next White House Press Secretary. Who is Tony Snow? His most visible work is on Fox News, but he also is a syndicated columnist…
Read moreThis is very cool. Can you read the following? i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to…
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