Is Big Brother Finally a Reality? You Decide.
Image via openmarket.org What corporate CEO made the following statements (all direct quotes): "We know where you are. We know where you've been. We can more or less know what…
Read moreImage via openmarket.org What corporate CEO made the following statements (all direct quotes): "We know where you are. We know where you've been. We can more or less know what…
Read moreThis one is quick...Lightroom integration! Finding SmugMug was a huge change and benefit to my long term photo storage and showcasing needs. Finding Lightroom catapulted my image processing, organizing and…
Read moreSome folks have wondered why I use SmugMug for our photo site. If you are curious, check out this short video: Other than the fact that the MacAskill family are…
Read morevia fastcodesign.com Is Google losing the battle of good design? I don't know as I'm not an expert on the world of Google, but Cliff Kuang of FastCoDesign thinks it…
Read moreChris Guillebeau set a personal goal - to visit every nation in the world which, at last count, was 192 United Nations member states. So far, Chris has been to…
Read moreI like nice shoes, but I don't obsess over them. Ask my daughter. She can't stand some of my more "mature" shoes. "Their disgusting," she says. Disgusting is a popular…
Read moreThe internet is allowing us to become more and more connected today. So much so, it feels almost like the Borg. If you don't know what this is, don't worry…
Read morevia www.fastcompany.com Is it possible to lust over an electric range? Well, it is possible if it's this beauty! The Siemen's cook range is an absolute ode to beauty within…
Read moreRant over…had to get it off my chest how frustrated I am at these types of deceptive practices. If you can’t succeed with your product by being honest, then your…
Read moreWell, not any more...not since I paid Microsoft to obtain the privilege of using my own data again. I'm pretty pissed at MS right now. It feels as if I've…
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