Very Cool Workplaces
This post is for those folks that I know appreciate good design (Mardi, John, Andrew and others that occasionally read this blog). Take a look at these "10 Seeeeeriously Cool…
Read moreThis post is for those folks that I know appreciate good design (Mardi, John, Andrew and others that occasionally read this blog). Take a look at these "10 Seeeeeriously Cool…
Read moreWell, as any of our fans can see (full humor intended!), the blogging has been very light recently. Sorry about that. I've missed it as an outlet for my thoughts. …
Read moreI've been a Beta user of eBible.com for a few months now, and have to say that its search features are quite nice. The "Understand the Bible" section is especially…
Read moreAs most of you know, we use a service called Smugmug to store and manage the majority of our digital photos. All of our photos are over at jonathanhasson.smugmug.com. The…
Read moreThis is a fun one for all of our family and friends back east that have the jitters about earthquakes out here. The US Geological Survey maintains a site with…
Read moreThis is pretty amazing, and is a tremendous testament to the importance of good grammar. Not knowing the difference in the usage of "two", "to" and "too" are bad enough,…
Read moreThis is an odd, but entirely cool video. A software company called Cambrian House decided to show their appreciation to Google by delivering 1000 pizzas to the Google campus for…
Read moreThe Brothers Pryor (Andrew and Tre) have uncovered a fantastic 3D animated video of Neil Peart playing YYZ. For all you non-Rush fans, it won't mean much. But, for us…
Read moreWow! Awesome photos. I've never seen this before, and I grew up in the humid, stormy south! Very exciting and intriguing photos! Here's the link.Jonathanpowered by performancing firefox
Read moreI had seen this story running around the net, but had not really paid much attention. This is quite an accomplishment! Going from a red paper clip to a house…
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