A Design Question…
Why is it uncomfortable to use a laptop in your lap? With the myriad designers of technology, don't you think they could design a laptop that didn't get so hot…
Read moreWhy is it uncomfortable to use a laptop in your lap? With the myriad designers of technology, don't you think they could design a laptop that didn't get so hot…
Read morevia fastcodesign.com Is Google losing the battle of good design? I don't know as I'm not an expert on the world of Google, but Cliff Kuang of FastCoDesign thinks it…
Read morevia www.fastcompany.com Is it possible to lust over an electric range? Well, it is possible if it's this beauty! The Siemen's cook range is an absolute ode to beauty within…
Read morevia www.merchline.com This is so very cool. I found this site before Christmas and thought it would be a great gift. I didn't move on it fast enough, but it…
Read morevia www.fastcompany.com This is a good article on Man Ray from Fast Company. I recently saw an Ovation TV program on the influence that Man Ray, among others such as…
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